Inviting, Growing, Serving...since 1638​
*Welcome Back Sunday School!*
About Us
Some of the membership at a welcome celebration for our new settled pastor, Rev. Dr. Marlayna Schmidt on Sunday, Sept. 10, 2023.
The memorial plaque outside of our sanctuary reads:
“A little band of pioneers under the leadership of Rev. Stephen Bachelor of Southampton, England seeking a larger liberty in October 1638 settled in the wilderness near this spot to plant a free church in a free town. They were joined in 1639 by others and in that year the town was incorporated…”
We were founded as a Congregational Church, which is a Protestant denomination of Christianity. Congregational churches worship God and follow Jesus Christ, inspired by the Holy Spirit. Each Congregational Church operates independently; decisions are made by votes of the membership. Together with hundreds of Congregational Churches across the country, our church voted to become part of a new mainline Protestant denomination (formed in 1957) called the United Church of Christ (UCC). The United Church of Christ emphasizes the freedom of individuals to choose what they believe and how to live out their faith with integrity. We respect diverse opinions and value each person’s spiritual path. You can learn more about the UCC here
10:00 A.M. Sunday worship is at the heart of what we do. Families worship together until the children’s sermon after which the children proceed to the classrooms for Sunday School. On the first Sunday of each month we join in the sacrament of Communion to which all are welcome….including children!
We are handicapped-accessible and provide:
A "no steps" entrance from the rear parking lot
An elevator provides easy access to all levels
Hearing devices
A “quiet corner” for nursing mothers or infants with a speaker nearby so as to hear and see everything going on in the sanctuary
A staffed nursery for the little ones
​Refreshments and coffee are served after the service for a time of fellowship.
Additional special services during the year include Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Christmas Eve, Easter Sunrise and an Ecumenical Epiphany service.
The First Congregational Church of Hampton welcomed Rev. Dr. Marlayna Schmidt as its settled pastor on Sunday, January 21, 2024 at 3:00 PM. The celebration included lively music and was attended by several members of the NH UCC Conference as well as members the First Congregational Church of Hampton. A celebration in Rev. Marlayna's honor was held after the installation service.
Meet the Team
Click on each image to learn about our amazing team members here at First Congregational Church, UCC of Hampton, NH!