Inviting, Growing, Serving...since 1638​
In 2005, at the 204th Annual Meeting of the New Hampshire Conference, United Church of Christ, adopted A Resolution Declaring the NH Conference to be OPEN and AFFIRMING.
RESOLVED: That the 204th Annual Meeting of the New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ declares the New Hampshire Conference to be an Open and Affirming Conference, and that all people, no matter what their sexual orientation or gender identity, are fully welcomed into the life of the Conference.
News from the Open and Affirming Steering Committee:
Thank you so much to all of you who came to hear about the Open & Affirming Process we are undertaking here at First Congregational Church of Hampton (FCC). Your eagerness to listen, ask questions and share your thoughts aloud with honesty and respect for each other confirmed once again the specialness of our FCC community.
As a follow up to our October 20th conversation, the Steering Committee has put together answers to some of the more basic questions we heard from the group. Be assured we did hear many other questions and we will have many more discussions around them throughout the O&A Process. But for now read more below: